The Dirt on Spring Cleaning + Products

The Dirt on Spring Cleaning + Products

Ahhh! Open those windows and breathe in that fresh spring air! Spring is here, which means it’s time to start thinking about our spring cleaning checklists. There’s just something about the nice weather that brings on motivation for a fresh start. So let’s get to it! But wait, before you reach for those cleaners and get to work, let’s do a little digging into those ingredients, shall we?

Did you know? In 2000, cleaning products were responsible for nearly 10% of all toxic exposures reported to U.S. Poison Control Centers, accounting for 206,636 calls. Of these, 120,434 exposures involved children under six who can swallow or spill cleaners stored or left open inside the home. With no federal regulations on ingredients in household products, the only way we can protect our families is to learn how to read labels ourselves.

Let’s take a look at the top 4 ingredients to avoid and why.

This first ingredient is a BIG ONE, but it is in just about every household product that we use daily. Synthetic scents or “fragrances” represent an unidentified mixture of ingredients, including carcinogens, allergens, respiratory irritants, endocrine disruptors, neurotoxic chemicals, and environmental toxicants. You can find these artificial scents in all kinds of body care and cosmetic products, as well as candles, air fresheners, cleaning materials, and laundry detergents.

Let’s talk about fragrance, or parfum or perfume or a million other names ;) This Article shares the dangers of Fragrance. "Synthetic scents or “fragrance” represent an unidentified mixture of ingredients including carcinogens, allergens, respiratory irritants, endocrine disruptors, neurotoxic chemicals, and environmental toxicants. You can find these artificial scents in all kinds of body care and cosmetic products, as well as air fresheners, cleaning materials, and laundry detergents.

In general, there at least 3,000 ingredients that companies could use to form a product’s scent. According to the online “Transparency List” put out by the International Fragrance Association, an industry trade group. It may seem unbelievable, but the FDA does not even require fragrance and cosmetic makers to disclose exactly what they are using to scent products. If companies are using truly natural ingredients, then why be shy? Many will say that their formulas are proprietary, and they don’t want other companies copying them. The FDA website also states how the agency cannot legally require companies to warn about allergens in cosmetics like they do with food.

Are you wondering why companies would continue to use synthetic scents if they’re so bad for our health? The answer is straightforward — they are cheaper. Synthetic scents can be extremely cheap to give everything from shampoo to lotion to candles a desirable scent. Unfortunately, just because you enjoy a scent doesn’t mean it’s good for you." Source -

Parabens are preservatives that mimic estrogen. Found in many cosmetics & personal care items. When combined with heregulin, a growth-promoting substance normally found in breast tissue, the effects are multiplied by 100x, contributing to breast cancer, tumor growth &"moobs" (man boobs). Phthalates are a low-cost endocrine-disrupting chemical that in lab studies has shown to interfere with hormone production in rats and mimic estrogen in human studies. Found in: plastic food packaging, lotions, skin moisturizers, fragrance, cleaners, glues, and nail polish.

This chemical is used to de-grease car engines. It is also added to some toothpaste, soaps, detergent, skin products... it's in just about everything. It damages the kidneys/liver, teeth, endocrine system, causes hair loss, cataracts, ulcers, major toxicity, headaches, nausea, coughing, congestion, and more.

An antibacterial agent registered as a pesticide by the EPA. Topical absorption has shown disturbances to the endocrine system and is believed to lead to birth defects and uncontrollable cell growth. Found in: soaps, deodorants, cosmetics, shave gel, first aid spray, kitchenware, and toys.

While there are many, many other ingredients that you will want to know about, these are my "TOP OFFENDERS." As you go further on this low tox living journey, you will learn about so many more. Remember, "Rome Wasn't Built In A Day," and your journey of learning is just that, a journey.

I have a FUN Spring Cleaning Challenge you can get via email! 7 Challenges in 10 Days with FANTASTIC info on why you should do them, all for FREE! Are you ready to join in??? Let’s DO IT!!!

💪 Power Protein Oat Waffles

💪 Power Protein Oat Waffles
I HAVE to share the breakfast recipe I've been obsessing over lately! 

This recipe is adapted from Skinnytaste (one of my favorite healthy food blogs!)

I've been really trying to prioritize protein, so when I came across this recipe, I HAD to try it! One waffle packs about 26 grams of protein! And lemme tell you... it did not disappoint! This makes one big waffle, so double or triple, etc. as needed.

Power Protein Oat Waffle
1 egg
cup 4% milk fat small curd cottage cheese
4 Tbsp water
½ tsp pure vanilla extract
½ cup oats (I love these)
¼ tsp baking powder
pinch of salt

You can throw all the ingredients in a blender, but I haaate cleaning my blender. Haha! I prefer to use my immersion blender for blending pretty much all things, and I absolutely LOVE this silicone mixing cup for things like this. I add all of the ingredients to my mixing cup and blend well with my immersion blender. Then pour the batter into the preheated waffle maker. I love topping mine with fresh berries and pure maple syrup!

The dirty truth about your household cleaners

The dirty truth about your household cleaners

The dirty truth about your household cleaners

Real talk: Most commercial cleaning products are full of super nasty, get-that-away-from-me ingredients. We know—it’s a total bummer! No stress though; I'll walk you through why and how you can stop settling and start choosing home-cleaning superstars.
Read on for the whole truth and nothing but the truth about your household cleaning products.

How toxic are my household cleaners?

At the risk of being the bearer of bad news, your run-of-the-mill cleaners are incredibly toxic.

According to the American Lung Association, the ingredients in most commercial solutions, sprays, and scrubs can:

  • Be air pollutants
  • Be harmful chemicals
  • Be flammable or corrosive
  • Irritate eyes and/or throat
  • Cause headaches
  • Contribute to health problems like chronic respiratory problems and allergies

Not only are these ingredients problematic, but they’re pretty far from your “let’s go green!” goals. Choosing cleaners with naturally derived ingredients is a win for you and a win for Mother Earth.

Yikes! Anything else I need to know?

Unfortunately, yes.

Brace yourself—manufacturers aren’t even legally required to list all ingredients. It sounds CRAZY, but toxic ingredients could be lingering in your laundry detergents and floor cleaners without you even knowing about it.
For example, some products such as carpet cleaners and dishwasher liquid release VOCs—volatile organic compounds. Experts say that some VOCs can irritate eyes, nose, and throat; create difficulty breathing and nausea; and cause harm to the central nervous system and other organs.

Thankfully, Young Living is incredibly meticulous about which ingredients are brought into the YL family. Want a list of stuff they will never, ever, ever mix with pure and precious essential oils? Enjoy!

That’s awesome! How do I clean without harsh chemicals?

For starters, trust me and don’t use any of the ingredients linked above.

The simplest way to get the job done—check the labels. Products can be greenwashed, meaning they have packaging that advertises as “green” or “natural” but sneak unwelcome ingredients into their formulas. Yuck! Learn more about greenwashing here: What is Greenwashing?

It’s also important to remember that these issues don’t solely apply to the cleaning aisle. When shopping for candles and air fresheners, avoid these factory-crafted temptations. Instead, mix and match essential oils and diffuse them for personal, unique household aromas.
Ultimately, if you can find companies and products with the mission to use from-the-earth, not-harmful, naturally derived ingredients, you’re golden. May I recommend Young Living? *wink, wink*

Yay! How can I find naturally derived cleaning products?

MY number one pick always and forever: THIEVES Household Cleaner!

With a blend of spicy, brisk scents that has all the cleaning power and none of the gross additives, it should get a special spot on your shelf.
Test out how effective these products can be with Thieves Household Cleaner. With an ultra-concentrated formula that has dozens of uses, just one bottle can clean your house from top to bottom. What’s more, Thieves Household Cleaner is only the start. Try out these superstars as well:

Pro tip: Swap out your toxic hand soaps with the delicious smelling and effective Lushious Lemon Foaming Hand Soap and these 30 simple swaps!

Ready to dive deep into all things clean (ingredients and household included)? Find more tips here. Want to know why YL relies on essential oils? See how they do things differently!

What’s your favorite tried and true cleaning product?

Meal Planning Freebie

Meal Planning Freebie
Who else likes to meal plan for the week? I feel so much more organized and less stressed when I do! I'm not the best at keeping up with it though. It's a work in progress! My new goal is to spend some time every Sunday to plan out the week a best I can.

I love having a menu visible to everyone. Anyone else get tired of hearing "what's for dinner?" from multiple people every. single. day...? Haha! 

Anyway, I've been using a blank menu in a picture frame for a few years now. I write the meals right on the glass with a dry erase marker. It works great! I was getting tired of the design I had been using and decided it was time for a refresh. Sooooo I figured I would share it for anyone else that would like to use it!

Just print this image and put it in an 8x10 picture frame. Voila!

Whole Wheat Burger Rolls

Whole Wheat Burger Rolls
My middle son BEGS me to make these rolls just so he can snack on them. Haha! They're so good! My bread machine has to be my #1 favorite kitchen gadget EVERRRRR. I use it several times a week to make our sandwich bread, and occasionally to make things like this! If you don't have a bread machine and are interested in one, THIS ONE is the newer version of mine. I've been super happy with it for years now!

Whole Wheat Burger Rolls
1 cup warm water
2 Tbs avocado oil
1 egg
13 oz. whole wheat flour
¼ cup honey
1 tsp salt
1 Tbs instant or active dry yeast

Add all ingredients in order according to your bread machine. Select the dough cycle (mine takes about an hour and a half). Once it's done, dump out the dough and divide into 8-10 pieces. On a baking sheet lined with parchment paper Shape the dough into the shape of a burger bun, cover the shaped dough with a kitchen towel and let rise for 30-40 minutes. Uncover and bake in the oven at 375° for 12 to 15 minutes until golden. Cool on a wire rack and slice just before eating. Enjoy!

Let me know if you make these and how you like them!
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